Error: ‘google’ is undefined in IE8

While using the Google Api forOrg chart generation I came across the error “‘google’ is undefined” when i was testing it in IE 8 browser. The same code was working fine in Mozilla FireFox . Google the error was not able to find solution.  After lots of searching fixed it by doing a small one character change in the URL. Can you guys guess what would be that?

<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;


<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;

Its really frustrating. Dont know this is the solution for this or not. But it worked for me!!

10 Responses to Error: ‘google’ is undefined in IE8

  1. Kamal Mehta says:

    hey its great it helped me also just a character change its nice

    thanks man thanks lotttttt…..

  2. Tahir Akram says:


    It just solved my problem. My v3 maps were not working in IE8 on HTTPs.


  3. Thanks a lot.
    I struggled a lot for the issue in IE8. It was working fine for other browsers but was not working in IE8. After this changes it worked.
    Thanks a lot!

  4. Vo Dinh Toan says:

    Thanks, it worked!

  5. Rick Terry says:

    I’ve got same problem. Trouble is the page can be viewed in http and https

    Any ideas on how to tackle that?

  6. Rick Terry says:

    I’ve got the same problem. Trouble is the page can be viewed in both http and https.

    Any ideas on how to deal with that?

    • Prasanna Deshpande says:

      Do you want to restrict it to https or do you want to load script with respective protocols?

  7. Sherin Maliakkal says:

    Thank you very much

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